Jesus Christ Is Not GOD
El Dr. Wierwille dio todo de sí para que la gente pudiera amar a Dios y Su maravillosa Palabra de verdad sin pedir nada a cambio.
Muchos lo criticaron por ser no ortodoxo porque sus enseñanzas realmente eran diferentes por que se adhería a la exactitud de la Palabra de Dios y no a las tradiciones.
Grandes hombres a través de los años hicieron tareas grandiosas para llegar con la Palabra de Dios a las personas e infinitas gracias a Dios por ellos. Los empeños del Dr. Wierwille dirigidos a que la gente común entendiera y viviera la integridad y exactitud de la Palabra de Dios como una realidad cotidiana fueron únicos y originales para nuestra generación. El posibilitó a la gente de su época que tuvieran el amor que el tenía por las Sagradas Escrituras como pocos antes de el. Hizo posible a jovencitos y a mayores que llegaran a ver al Padre celestial de una manera simple y pudieran amarlo a través de amar Su Palabra. Desaparecido el hombre, lidera aun su legado de amor por Dios y Su Palabra en todos sus trabajos y en todos los que lo conocieron.
Por ello este artículo que sale justamente el día de su nacimiento, por agradecimiento a Dios, el Padre celestial que tuvo la inmensa misericordia de haber diligenciado las cosas de tal manera que un puñado de nosotros hayamos podido tener que ver con la vida y obra del Dr. Wierwille.
Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille on Christology
Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille on Christology
The expressions “God the Father”, “God the Son” and “God the Holy Spirit” are almost cliché in their association with Christianity. The doctrine of a three-in-one God is so familiar that the vast majority of Christians believe it to be the keystone of Christian faith. The author of this explosive study was also reared to believe in the “trinity”. Yet, through his biblical research, he gradually came to see that Jesus Christ is not God- that he is the Son of God, but not “God the Son”. Without “God the Son” there is no trinity. What is Christianity without a trinity? It is placed back at the point when the first century apostles lived and dynamically taught those things which God revealed to them and which Jesus himself had shown them during his life.
The Bible clearly teaches that Christianity is monotheistic. God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is the one and only true God whom Jesus Christ and his followers are to worship as above, before and over all things. How can Christians hope to please God when they aren’t clear on who God is?
The Bible clearly teaches that Christianity is monotheistic. God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is the one and only true God whom Jesus Christ and his followers are to worship as above, before and over all things. How can Christians hope to please God when they aren’t clear on who God is?
The author contends that separating the Father from the Son does not at all discredit the Son. Rather, trinitarian dogma placing the Son on God’s level degrades God from His elevated, unparalleled position; besides, it leaves man unredeemed.
This book looks at the historical evolution of the trinity, since trinitarianism simply was not apart of the doctrine of the first century apostles, nor in fact, a part of Church doctrine for the first four centuries. Then, Biblical study elucidates the beauty and significance of God’s relationship with His Son. Jesus Christ was not an extension of God, but one who was willing to be the sacrificial Passover lamb-the redeeming, second Adam.
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Buenas Tardes quisiera saber como poder conseguir el libro del Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille "Jesucristo no es Dios" les dejo mi correo electronico si alguien sabe como hacerlo que Dios los bendiga y guarde en Cristo Jesús.
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